We get a lot of positive feedbacks from parents and grandparents of children who use our materials to learn Igbo. However, one recurring feedback is this... since my children started using say it in Igbo materials, they want to know the Igbo word for every single thing. Sometimes when I speak English they respond with SAY IT IN IGBO!
Anyi na anata otutu ozi n'aka ndi nne na na umu ji ihe nkuzi anyi amuta Igbo. Kama otu ihe ha na ekwukari bu nkea...ke mgbe umu m ji bido imu Igbo site n'iji ihe nkuzi suo ya n'igbo, ha choro ima aha ihe dum na asusu Igbo. Otutu oge m suo Oyibo, ha a si m SUO YA N'IGBO!
In : Testimonials