Someone could ask the 'What's the big deal about having say it in Igbo books in kindle format?
It means that you can download copies straight from amazon to your kindle cloud reader, PC, Mac, iPhone, Android, Blackbery, iPad, and children's tabs like LeapPad. All you need to do is:
1. Download your free kindle reading app from this link!493964%2Cn%3A2642125011%2Cn%3A2642129011%2Ck%3Akindle+apps+
2. Pay for the e-book of your choice
3. Download into your device and
4. Immediately start enjoying the benefits:
- Say it in Igbo at your finger tips
- Lower cost compared to the print books
- No shipping costs
- No waiting period
- A good Igbo learning tool. You will probably agree with me that children sometimes prefer to play with our phones more than their toys. So when next you are waiting for an appointment, for instance in a doctor's clinic, instead of just letting your child fiddle with your phone you can open the Say it in Igbo e-book on your phone and let your child play with that. Its a great way to pass on the legacy!
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